Journal entries and Bible study notes
(These are just small pieces of what the Lord is teaching us. They may not be full thoughts and you might not understand all of them. But you can walk a little with us as we share the spiritual inner workings of the Lord in our hearts while we're here in India)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

"I have food you do not know of..."

Monday, 1/24/11 – “Last night Chelsea and I were persistent in turning down food. We have been so full physically that we’ve had less room spiritually. But after turning down dinner, we sat in the bedroom and began to extol the Lord and His good works. The Spirit realigned our spirits so that we were refilled with life and joy. We prayed for HBA and GECC and their leaders; we praised over and over the great things of God; we prayed for the ministry that would be happening today (in the Yanadis villages); and for great growth in our lives as the Spirit teaches us. For a good 2 hours we simply couldn’t leave his presence. A moment of stillness and we would look at each other, smile, and say, ‘I just can’t go,’ or ‘I don’t want this to end!’ Oh, how sweet it is to be in the Lord’s presence as His favored ones! May we often repeat this.”


  1. Wow! I just had a moment like this a few nights back - and I can relate. Sometimes it's just better to feed your Spirit instead of your flesh. I had been running around all day at meetings, classes homework and phone calls looking forward to a prayer meeting which was an hour away. A friend who was helping set up the prayer meeting offered for me to join him for dinner - I declined and feasted on the Lord, extolling him and letting my Spirit rise up and worship Him. Sooooo goood! It made the prayer meeting so much deeper and more rich to my spiritual taste buds.

    I'm so glad you guys are practicing this discipline! Lord feed we, your hungry people!

  2. I am late commenting, but the Spirit inspires me through you two. Thank you so much for your continued prayers for GECC and leaders. Since our Annual Meeting (1/31/2011), there has been a sweel and willing spirit among the people.
