Journal entries and Bible study notes
(These are just small pieces of what the Lord is teaching us. They may not be full thoughts and you might not understand all of them. But you can walk a little with us as we share the spiritual inner workings of the Lord in our hearts while we're here in India)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

On Zeal

Proverb 19:2 – “It is not good to have zeal without knowledge, nor to be hasty and miss the way.”

Quote (Passion for Jesus, pg. 20, Mike Bickle) – “But suddenly, for the first time in my life, zeal was not enough. If anything, it had turned on me and become my enemy—taunting me with accusations regarding my imperfections and condemning me for my miserable spiritual failures.”

Spiritual zeal without a deeply rooted love and knowledge of God will eventually turn you into an angry, self-righteous Pharisee. If I fast or pray or memorize the scriptures because I am told it will make me a better Christian—no matter how sincere the speaker or receiver—eventually that discipline will lose its joy.  No, I must not be hasty in my spiritual way by trying to take on a discipline I am not relationally (as in relating to God) ready to take on. Instead, all of my actions (disciplines) must be driven by a genuine love, truth, understanding, Spirit-originated conviction. When it is driven by these, then Christ provides the strength and joy to continue in the discipline without becoming proud or angry. Seek first to know God; true knowledge will produce love, which is demonstrated naturally by good works.

1 comment:

  1. This reminds of those little nuggets I've read from Oswald Chambers - My Utmost for His Highest. Great to see the Lord is working deep thoughts in you from Bickle's book and His Book and His Spirit!
